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Vertia Oy, a small company proving how trusting employees is worthwhile for business

Helsinki - Finland

I met Topi Jokinen, cofounder of Vertia Oy, a 12 employees company making assurance measurements for buildings.

At Vertia Oy, employees are being fully trusted. They go on their own to customers buildings, do the measurements and can use the company's car to come back home directly without necessarily letting the car at the office. They manage their hours on their own. For those who have children, it is very enjoyable. No chef is telling them what to do. Having responsibility give them more sense at work. And... the company is doing very well : no customer stopped working with Vertia since the beginning.

In the video, one can see employees telling (in Finnish) how satisfied they are from the culture at Vertia. When they need help for something, they feel comfortable to ask anyone from the team. They communicate easily everyday all together on WhatsApp or Slack. They take part to the company's strategy. They enjoy spending time with their colleagues at work and outside. They can be fully themselves and can talk about any subjects at work.

Topi wanted to create a human centered company since he was a student and it has been the main reason why he has created Vertia Oy. He believes that new ways of working could benefit a lot to any kind of business, starting with very usual one like food store, hairdresser... There is a great potential of more effectiveness, unleashing people's potential and increasing their fulfillment. Also, he encourages people who are unsatisfied with their actual company to create their own with their own idea of work culture... One do not necessarily need to have the best business idea first. With the will to create something good for people, one can do a lot !

Topi is also part of the Teal Suomi community, trying to spread new ways of working throughout Finland. Change is happening in Finland !

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