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Oscar Nygren, he dares 🤸🏻‍♀️

Stockholm - Sweden

I met Oscar in Stockholm during a ... let's say ... unusual experience in the center of the city.

By doing it, I made a step forward in my self development learnings. After that, everything seems possible.

This interview is quiet different from the other one. Yet, it has a real connection with my ideas of a fulfilling and purposeful work. Indeed, one has sometimes these kind of thoughts : "ok, I may have dreams... but back to real life : there are a lot of obstacles avoiding me to achieve it".

Going out of your comfort zone increases your self confidence and brings so much positive energy ! Enough to go into action and do the actual things you want to do.

Oscar has some good ideas for you if you want to try. 😁

What to do ?

1. Look at the video

2. Join the Comfort Zone Crusher World community We are already more than 10 000 around the world !

3. Look at this TED talk Till H. Gross founded the movement.

4. Do one first step... now ! And dare to dream again. You don't live twice.

And of course, do not hesitate to share 😉

Note that if you are in Stockholm, Oscar is in charge of a >1000 comfort zone crusher community there as well as a public speaking community.

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